Welcome to Holy Family Parish, Nazareth, PA

Holy Family Catholic Church

Holy Family Parish Mission Statement

Holy Family Parish is a community empowered through the Holy Spirit to promote the Kingdom of God and to extend Christ's presence among us.  The vision will be realized with our loving acceptance of all people, through heartfelt openness, parish and family unity, and Spirit led involvement.

Mass Times

Daily Mass:
8:30 AM (Monday - Saturday)
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM
Sunday Masses: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

Confession Times:
Wednesday & Saturday mornings after the 8:30 AM Mass.
Saturdays from 4:00-4:45 PM.

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

**Please note, there is a drop-box outside the office door for any afterhours business.

Holy Family Youth Group!
Every 2nd Sunday
Next Meeting: September 8th 
Who: 8th after Confirmation – 12th Grade
Where: 2nd Floor Holy Family Parish Center (last door on right)
When: September 8th~12:15pm-1:30pm.
What:  ¨ Games, Puzzles, Crafts, & Spikeball¨ Talk & Pray - when you are ready
Contact:  holyfamilyyouth2024@gmail.com
Bring your favorite games, snacks, friends!

Happy Grandparent’s Day
Dear Lord, We thank you for our wonderful grandparents. They bring such joy and happiness into our lives. Thank you for all the special times that we have with them. Please watch over them, protect them and care for them. May they know your goodness and love always. Amen.

Heavenly Father, You have created the human person as good. You have placed us in the world as one human family, as sisters and brothers. We pray today for all victims  of violence across the world, for the healing of their mind and body  for their mourning family members, for the repose of their souls. Holy Spirit, reveal to us the mercy of God. Give us the gift of Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Amen.

The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart annual Golf Benefit will be held on September 13th at Whitetail Golf Club in Bath PA. The fee is $120 and includes 18 holes of golf. At arrival coffee, donuts, and soft pretzels will be provided. Lunch hot off the grill and refreshments will be served on the course. Immediately following the golf tournament, Cocktails, Hors d’oeuvres and a Steak Dinner will be held at the Holy Family Parish Center.
All proceeds from the golf benefit help to pay for the care of our MSC retired Priests and Brothers. Thanks to individuals and organizations we were able to raise $13,000 last year. We hope that you can help us in this years effort.  Can’t golf but want to support the retired MSC Priests and Brothers? Make a donation in any amount you choose. It is greatly appreciated. An entry form will be available in the bulletin on August 3/4, and are also in the narthex, or at the link provided here. For more information call Gene Keppel (610) 746-4237 or email: msccvsec1@gmail.com
Click Here for Golf Outing Registration Form

The MSC Newsletter, “A New Heart For A New World”
is now available in the Narthex.

Murder by moonshine
Grab your partner and prepare for some hillbilly hijinx!
Murder by Moonshine is an interactive murder mystery. Anyone in the room can end up in the show. Participation is encouraged but not required. 
Join us for an evening so hysterical you may laugh til you die!|
Saturday, October 12th in the Parish Center  
Doors open 6PM; Buffet at 6:30; Show at 7:30
$40 pp, payment due at time of reservation. Deadline is 9/15.
Seating is limited to 100. Hosted by the Knights of Columbus. To make you reservation contact Ed Rossner at erossner@rcn.com or (610)  365-8877.

Keyboard player needed
The Folk Group is seeking a volunteer keyboardist to play with their choir. Practice is on Sunday at 7PM and the choir sings every other Saturday night at 5PM Mass, Sept.-June. Please contact Jerry Schwartz with interest or for more info. (610)  759-1045

PREP BOOK PICK UP: PREP books can be picked up in the Parish Office
Monday—Thursday, 9AM-1PM.
* Family Home Study begins September 14th.
* In Person classes begin on September 18th in  Holy Family School
We are excited to begin another fabulous year learning about our faith!

Diocese of Allentown Pillgrimage Opportunities:

    Pilgrimage to the National
    Centre for Padre Pio 
A Local Diocesan Pilgrimage has been planned for September of 2024 at the National Centre for Padre Pio in Barto, PA. Please save the dates for Thursday, September 19, 2024 (High School), Friday, September 20, 2024 (English), and Saturday, September 28, 2024 (Spanish). Contact Father Hoffa directly at his diocesan email ahoffa@allentowndiocese.org or call 610-921-2729, ext. 2205.  
     Pilgrimage to the National
     Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
The Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., will be on Tuesday, October 7, 2025, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. The Diocesan Pilgrimage tradition to Mary’s House is typically held every four years. More information will be forthcoming for individuals, parishes, and schools. Contact Father Hoffa directly at his diocesan email: ahoffa@allentowndiocese.org or call 610-921-2729, ext. 2205.  
      Pilgrimage to Italy
      with Bishop Schlert
Click HERE for Flyer  Reserervations are now open for the Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Bishop Schlert & Father Hoffa - Tuesday, March 25, 2025 – Saturday, April 3, 2025. The first Diocese of Allentown International Pilgrimage will “Follow the Footsteps of Saints Peter and Paul” through Florence, Assisi, and Rome. To sign up for the Jubilee Year Pilgrimage, please contact Father Allen Hoffa directly at ahoffa@allentowndiocese.org or 610-921-2729, ext. 2205. 

     Pray the Rosary before Morning Mass

Please join us Monday thru Thursday  at 8:00 AM to pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary. If mass is at 9:00 the  Rosary will begin at 8:30.

We invite you to Spend Time With Our Lord
      in Eucharistic Adoration

* Wednesdays  4:30 - 7:30 

* First Friday of the month after 8:30 AM Mass until 4PM
                           To sign up for a time slot go to: https://www.holyfamilynazarethpa.com/adoration  or by calling Dawn at (908) 896-2356 or just stop in anytime to spend some peaceful, prayerful time with our Lord.




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Donut Sunday
Sunday, September 8th after the 9AM & 11AM Masses.
We thank the Altar Rosary Society for sponsoring the September Donut Sunday.
***Donut Sunday Hospitality Help Needed*** We could use more individuals/families to help with the hosting end of Donut Sunday. Some of our current volunteers schedules have changed and they are not available each month. Donut Sundays are so important for our parish community. We want to continue to be able to  regularly provide this monthly hospitality. If you can help out please contact Tara at (617) 981-3888, or email her at tara.laforge.pac@gmail.com.
DONUT SUNDAY Sponsorships~If you or your family would like to sponsor the cost of a monthly gathering, please contact Tara LaForge at (617) 981-3888 or email her at tara.laforge.pac@gmail.com.  A $100 donation provides all the refreshments and helps us to refresh our supplies. Most importantly, your donation helps us to continue this ministry of fostering community and fellowship in our parish. Thanks.

September 6th-8th
These are challenging times on so many levels.  Social and economic difficulties, along with attacks on our faith, families and religion as Roman Catholics. The need for men to be strong, firm examples of Christianity is greater than ever. We encourage all  Holy Family men to join on retreat at the beautiful Malvern Retreat Center.
This has been a Holy Family tradition for many years. Please consider taking part this year if you haven’t in the past. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity. Register online at www.malvernretreat.com under  Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sept. 6-8 or call retreat captain Anthony Scarsaletti at (610) 393-3671.
See YOU there!

After all expenses were paid, the total profit from our Parish Festival was $72,533.69. To date, this was our highest profit ever!

Next Weekend, Sept. 15th
$20 entry
15 games with plenty of specials & 50/50 Raffle.
Doors open at Noon;
First Game at 12:45.
See you there!

We are excited to announce the formation of The Holy Family Parish Choir. Rehearsals will begin Thursday, Sept. 12th, 6-7PM in the choir loft. The choir will rehearse every Thursday and will sing on the first Sunday of the month at 9AM Mass & Third Sunday of the month at 11AM Mass. We are very excited to get started!  Questions:  music@holyfamily-edu.org    
Members under 18 must be accompanied by a parent.
Paradise Choir: The Paradise Choir practice on Wednesday mornings from 10AM-11AM in the choir loft and sings at funerals. We welcome new members at any time! Join us or contact Anthony Urbano for more information. (610) 759-0870 or music@holyfamily-edu.org.
Folk Group: The Folk Group practices on Sunday evenings at 7PM and sings every other week at 5PM Mass. Practices will resume on 9/14. We welcome new members at any time! Join us or contact Jerry Schwartz for more information. (610) 759-1045. Members under 18 must be accompanied by a parent.

Catechist & aide needed for PREP
We are in need of one Catechist & one aide this year!
Classes are 4:30-5:45 on Wednesdays
* We need one catechist in our kindergarten class.
* We need one aide in our 7th grade class
If you can help out please contact our DRE, Donna Ely
email Donna at elyd@holyfamily-edu.org

Save the Date! ~ Diocesan Men’s Conference
“Spirit Of Jesus Renew Us”
~ Saturday, October 19
After hearing the presentations by Fr. Wade Menezes and Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers you will have a new-found zeal for our faith. St. Joseph The Worker Parish, Orefield. Save the date and plan to attend. Registration information will be forthcoming.

To read the MSC Sisters spring/summer 2024 newsletter go to:

Holy Family Parish has a grief group for parishioners who have experienced the death of their spouse.  This group is led by members of the parish who have gone through a loss of their partner.  It is our hope that through the help fo God and each other, we may provide a prayerful, repectful and compassionate atomosphere where we can come together in our faith and help each other through this difficult time.  Grief group meets each week on Wednesdays from 5:30-7:00 in the Parish Center. 
For more information call Beth Fabian at (610) 365-2613, or email beth at beefab10@verizon.net.

We Have A Great Need For More Altar Servers !!
Serving at the altar is a privileged way to draw closer to Jesus, which in turn “enables you to open yourselves to others, to journey together, to set demanding goals and to find the strength to achieve them.”
    ~ Pope Francis
ALTAR SERVERS TRAINING:  If you have completed, or will be completing,  3rd grade and would like to be trained to be an altar server, please call the Parish Office or
email lorioe@holyfamily-edu.org

Prayer Shawl Ministry 
Our shawls, blankets, pillow cases and pocket squares are meant to console those who are grieving, comfort those who are ill and bring hope to those in despair. They may also be given to   celebrate life and its milestones.  The items are blessed by the priest and are available at the Parish Office or by calling Eileen Paukovits (610-730-3779) or Mary Ann Tasillo (610-428-7782). A mass is offered every month for all of our recipients. Donations are appreciated.







Holy Family School Masses ~ On August 29th Fr. Alex celebrated the first school mass of the year with the K-8 students. Each week, usually on Friday, the school community celebrates mass together. Each homeroom is assigned certain mass dated when their class proclaims the readings, reads the Universal Prayers,  brings up the gifts, etc. Sr. Rosie prepares the students during the week so they are all ready for their big debut at the end of the week!





Holy Family School Band
Dr. Deb Andrus, (left) HFS Band Director, demonstrates musical instruments for the Holy family 3rd grade class to create interest in joining the band and learning how to play an instrument. 

The Holy Family School Choir
Mrs. Rose Laurito (right)  directs the HFS choir. The students provide music for the Holy Family School masses. “The students are very talented and love to sing“, according to Mrs. Laurito.  HFS is blessed to have Mrs. Laurito sharing her musical artistry with our students!


Teaching Positions Available at Holy Family School Contact Principal, Derek Peiffer, with your interest. (610) 759-5642 or peifferd@holyfamily-edu.org
* Middle School Math teacher--Grades 6-8 *Bachelors Degree required
* Middle School Science--Grades 6-8 *Bachelors Degree required
* Grades  K-5 STEM
* Pre-School Director
* Part-time Preschool Teacher
* Part-time Preschool Aide
* Part-time Aftercare supervisor
* Substitute teachers. No experience necessary. *Bachelor's Degree required

Our parish has a subscritption to FORMED, an online platform filled with over 4,000 Catholic studies, movies, audio dramas, talks, e-books, and even cartoons for our children.  As a Holy Family Parishioner, you have access to all of the material on FORMED to support your own faith journey!  For more information, including directions on how to sign up for free, click on the FORMED tab at top of the website. 

CLICK HERE    to see the Sept.  Growing In Faith 

CLICK HERE    to see the August 10/11 Bulletin Insert

CLICK HERE    For the August 3/4 Bulletin Insert

CLICK HERE    For online access to your parish contributions, and to print your own contribution statement