Parish Ministries & Groups

Ministry is not a job or Sunday routine, it's a Privilege to be Chosen and Used by Jesus!



MUSIC MINSITRY Provides music for liturgical celebrations that enhance, nourish, and support meaningful worship. 
Contact Person: Music Minster (610) 759-0870


CANTORS If you have been blessed with the gift of a beautiful voice and would like to share it at the weekend liturgy it would be most welcomed! Contact : Parish Office.


INSTRUMENTALISTS If you play an instrument and you would like to share your talents at the weekend liturgy please Contact: Parish Office.


FOLK GROUP   The Holy Family Folk Group practice on Sunday evenings from 7-9PM in the choir loft, and sing at  the 5pm masses throughout the year. NEW vocalists and instrumentalists, over the age of 18 are welcome to join.  For more information Contact: Jerry Schwartz at 610-759-1045. 


PARADISE CHOIR The Paradise Choir sings at funerals. They rehearse on Wednesdays mornings from 10-11AM in the choir loft. Feel free to join them anytime. 


EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS help distribute Communion during the Eucharistic celebration and also bring Christ in the Blessed Sacrament to the homebound or sick who are unable to be present for the celebration. 
Contact: Parish Office  (610) 759-0870


LECTORS A lector is responsible for proclaiming the word of God at liturgical celebrations in a way that makes the Word come alive.  Lectors proclaim the  scripture in a public, articulate, and interpretive manner.
Contact: Parish Office  (610) 759-0870


USHERS are men and women who assist in seating people before the celebration of mass, and during the offering by taking up the collection. They guide the congregation during the reception of communion, and after the final blessing the ushers are positioned at the exits to distribute the weekly bulletin.  Contact person: Jim Byrnes  (610)  248-5053


ALTAR SERVERS assist the celebrant during liturgical celebrations including weddings and funerals. Child servers must be in 4th grade or older. Watch the bulletin for upcoming altar server training sessions.
Contact Person: Parish Office/DeaconTom Ely(610) 759-0870


LAZARUS GROUP  helps families who have lost a loved one in the planning of the funeral. New Parishioners interested in becoming a part of this ministry should call the  Parish Office.  Contact: Parish Office   (610) 759-0870


Parish Groups


PASTORAL COUNCIL The Pastoral Council of Holy Family Parish represent the parishioners on matters of their spiritual and physical needs and concerns as a pastoral consult. Their mission is to give prudent, educated, and spiritually moral advice on the decisions concerning the good of the parish o the Pastor. Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Contact: Anita Paukovits: Dennis Sullivan:                                                                                     


ALTAR AND ROSARY SOCIETY contribute towards the supply of church goods and altar needs through various fund raisers and activities which foster a spirit of community and spiritual  enrichment for the members. The Society hosts two major events each year: The annual spaghetti dinner in February, and the Holiday Bazaar in October. Both are advertised in the bulletin and local newspapers.
Contact Person: Pattie Ackerman (610) 657-9781


KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS are a Catholic men’s organization which provides fraternal, charitable, service and social opportunities for men from our parish and other parishes which meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm in the Parish Center.                                                                      Contact Person: John Salmento  


MARIAN PRAYER GROUP The prayer group meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:30PM in the Church.  All are invited to join us for a special time of prayer and fellowship. Whether you have specific prayer requests or simply wish to be in the presence of the Lord, we welcome you to be part of this gathering. Let’s strengthen our faith together. We hope to see you there!

                                               Contact Person: Mary Hallman 


HOME SCHOOL ASSOCIATION is an organization of the parents/guardians of Holy  Family School which offers financial support to the school through fundraisers and support for its members through informative meetings throughout the school year.                                                                              Contact Person: President, Danielle Faust


HOLY FAMILY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION provides opportunity for participation in youth sports through CYO and community organizations. Sign ups for seasonal sports are listed in the bulletin. Contact Person : President, Chris Ryan (484) 464-5739


SOCIAL OUTREACH SERVICES offers confidential help to those in need in various forms of outreach.  Programs include food bank collections, Kids Clothing Closet, help for parishioners, and a Christmas Sharing program. Individuals are encouraged to contact the parish office to inform us of needs. Contact person : Kathi Morris(484)542-9637 , Mary Barket  (610) 759-0459


BEREAVEMENT GROUP  Holy Family Parish has a grief group for parishioners who have experienced the death of their spouse. This group is led by members of the parish who have gone through a loss of their partner. It is our hope that through the help of God and each other, we may provide a prayerful, respectful, and compassionate atmosphere where we can come together in our faith and help each other through this difficult time. Grief group meets each week on Wednesdays  from 5:30-7:00 in the Parish Center.
Contact Person: Beth Fabian (610) 365-2613, email at"


GRACEDALE MINISTRY Mass is celebrated at Gracedale on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Eucharistic Ministers are needed to assist with bringing Communion to the Catholic residents.
Contact person: Mary Ellen Eride (610) 759-6328,



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