Ministry Schedule & Procedures

Liturgy Schedules for Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors:

  • CLICK HERE   For the April - June 2025 Liturgy Schedule

  • CLICK HERE   For the January - March 2025 Liturgy Schedule

We train new Altar Servers, Eucharistic Minsters and
Lectors throughout the year

If you are a Catholic in good standing who attends mass regularly and would like to be trained in one of these ministries, please email your name to or call the Parish Office. 


Altar Server Training Notes


  • Arrive 10 to 15 minutes before Mass. Servers have time to be dressed and ready to serve before Mass. This allows time for Priest and Deacon to go over any additions for that mass.
  • Alb should come about 2 inches above the ankle. Please advise your child when they have grown into the next size. Albs should not be mid-calf.
  • Processional Cross: When it is time to bring up the gifts the Cross Bearer must go down the center aisle. Going toward the back, the cross must be held with both hands and held up. This so the community knows that the Bread and Wine which represents their gifts will be presented to the Priest.
  • After the servers helps the Deacon prepare the Altar with bread and wine, servers then go down to the kneelers.
  • Cross Bearer kneels on the kneeler closest to the altar with the bells. After communion the Cross bearer helps the Priest and Deacon clear the Altar.
  • Bells – the bells are to be rung three times
  • three times during the epiclesis
  • three times when the host is raised
  • three times when the chalice is raised


Updated Procedures for Lectors


  1. There are 2 lectors scheduled at each weekend Mass. (For some reason, if there is only 1 lector, please stay on the altar between readings.)
  2. 1 st lector will read the opening/welcome and stay on the altar until the 1 st reading. 1 st lector will not walk in the procession.
  3. After the 2 nd reading, the 2 nd lector should close the Lectionary and place it on the shelf underneath. Deacon will now bring up the Book of the Gospels from which he will read the Gospel. 
  4. In the abscense of a Deacon, the 1st Lector will read the Universal Prayers, which immediately follow the Homily.
  5. 2 nd lector will bring up the Book of Intentions at the offertory and place on the credence table (same as in the past) even though bringing up of the gifts is still suspended.
  6. 2 nd lector will read the announcements at the end of Mass and then join in the recession.
  7. Sign-in sheets will be located on the small desk with the hand sanitizer stationed closest to the ambo (where the reading and gospel are read). The Lectionary and the Mass binder will be located on the ambo for you to look over.


Updated Procedures for Extraordinary Ministers of Communion


Arrive in church -20 minutes before mass  
  1. Sign-in the binder located in the Sanctuary, to the left of the Ambo. 
  2. Take a look at your location to distribute Communion. Whether Holy Family side or Sacred Heart side. (Holy Family statue or Sacred Heart statue).


After the Sign of Peace


  1. Come forward into the Sanctuary.
  2. Stand side by side behind the altar servers who will be kneeling.
  3. Once the Priest and Deacon drink from the chalice and sanitize their hands.
  4. wait for a signal from one of them before moving up to the altar.
  5. EMs should both move to the left and travel up the steps along the handrail to altar.
  6. The Priest will give you communion.
  7. use the hand sanitizer after you receive
  8. The Priest or Deacon will then hand you a ciborium.
  9. Wait till the Priest moves to go down to distribute then…
  10. If you’re position is the Sacred Heart side, walk behind the altar to go down the steps to your position.
  11. If your position is on the Holy Family side, then go back down along with handrail to the Holy Family side.
  12. Priest or Deacon distributes communion to the altar servers and the center aisle sections.


Taking Communion to the Homebound after Mass


  • Permission must be requested from the parish office.
  • You’ll need to have a Pyx.
  • On the sign-in table – write the number you need on the post-it.
  • Place your pyx w/the post-it on the credence table.
  • After Communion and the tabernacle is closed, the priest will come down on the side of the Ambo to bring the pyx to you. He will give you a blessing.
  • You leave church with the Eucharist immediately. Please be aware that you are in possession of the Body of Christ. Go directly to the home of the person.


Important to remember.


We don’t go to the choir loft to distribute communion.  If we’re needed, a special place will be added to the sign-up sheet. 


We’re not to double up on a ministry.  If you are scheduled as a Lector, you should not step up to distribute communion.  There’s enough of us attending Mass that someone will see the need.  Same applies if you’re scheduled as an EM.   


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