Holy Family PREP is our Religious Education program for Parish children attending Public or Private Schools in grades K - 8
You must already be a registered member of Holy Family. If you are not registered as of yet, please let us know. We will email you a Parish Registration Form.
Click Here to fill out the PREP Registration Form
The Diocese requires two consecutive years of religious education prior to the student receiving a sacrament (First Eucharist, Confirmation). Attendance at weekly Sunday mass and scheduled Sunday theme masses is expected.
First Holy Communion - Preparation for First Holy Communion is a two-year process; grades 1 & 2.
Confirmation - Preparation for Confirmation is a two-year process; grades 6 & 7. The sacrament is received in the Fall of 8th grade.
OCIA - Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (formerly known as RCIA)
23 Forest Drive,
Nazareth, PA 18064
PH: 610-759-0870
Fax: 610-746-2026
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