Father Jonas professed his first vows on March 12, 1977 and was ordained on June 29, 1982. Fr. Jonas was installed as pastor at Holy Family Parish July 2020.
Deacon Tom was ordained Deacon on April 25, 2015. Deacon Tom and his wife Donna, who serves as DRE to Holy Family Parish, have been parishioners of Holy Family Parish since 2005, they have five children and thirteen grandchildren.
Deacon Rich was ordained Deacon on April 25, 2015. Deacon Rich and his wife Sharon are parishioners of
Holy Family Parish.
Deacon Mike was ordained Deacon on April 25, 2015. Deacon Mike and his wife Lisa, who is the Tuition Coordinator at Bethlehem Catholic, have been parishioners of Our Lady of Perpetual Help since 1989, they have four children.
Donna has been married for 51 years to Deacon Tom. The Ely's have 5 children and 13 grandchildren and became members of Holy Family in 2005. Donna received a degree in Theology from DeSales University in 1996 and has held the position of DRE for 26 years. Donna also serves as a lector and EM and facilitates Bible Study and OCIA
Anthony Studied at Lafayette College in Easton where he received a double Bachelor of Arts in Music and German. He is an avid classical and jazz composer and is a great lover of opera. When he's not practicing for mass or composing, he enjoys golfing and watching baseball
Email: hfp23@rcn.com
Parish Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9AM-1PM
*outside drop box available for any after hours business!
23 Forest Drive,
Nazareth, PA 18064
PH: 610-759-0870
Fax: 610-746-2026
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