1906 First mass in Nazareth at Nazareth Hall Military Academy
1907 Petition presented to Archbishop Ryan to build a church in Nazareth
1908 (April) Land was purchased and construction of the original church began (May)
1910 Cornerstone of original Holy Family Church laid (August 15)
1910 Holy Family School began in 2nd floor of church building
1910 First Mass said in the Church (November 18)
1911 Original rectory built
1913 Missionaries of the Scared Heart assume responsibility of Holy Family Parish
1915 Establishment of the Holy Family Altar Rosary society
1927 Convent erected
1937Establisment of Boy Scout Troop 43
1953 Erection of 3 car garage next to the current day church
1954 Cornerstone laid at Holy Family School (June 13th)
1954 10 acres of land purchased for Upper Cemetery
1955 Classes begin in new school building (November)
1956 Establishment of Gymnasium
1956 Knights of Columbus Council 4282, Our Lady of the Scared Heart Council formed
1960 Erection of cemetery monument purchased from Spain
1963 Groundbreaking for the current church
1975 Wortmann Center was purchased (formerly Beck’s Cleaners)
1977 Erection of the current rectory
1985 Addition added to Holy Family School
1999 13 additional classrooms added to Holy Family School
2003 Renovations made to Sanctuary
2014 Storage building erected on Convent Avenue
2015 Original Church demolished (December)
2017 Convent demolished (June)
2017 -2018 Erection of Parish Center
2019 Parking lot paved
23 Forest Drive,
Nazareth, PA 18064
PH: 610-759-0870
Fax: 610-746-2026
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