Eucharistic Adoration

No Adoration March 26, April 2 & 9

Please note that to allow the PREP Students to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation before   Easter, there will not be Wednesday evening Adoration on March 26th or April 2nd. Also, on April 9th there will not be Adoration due to our Lenten Mission.


Regular Adoration Times


  • Every Wednesday beginning at 4:30 PM with Benediction at 7:30 PM.

  • Every First Friday beginning after the 8:30 AM Mass with Benediction at 4:00 PM. 

What is Eucharistic Adoration?

Eucharistic Adoration is a Catholic devotion dating back to the early days of the Church. It involves exposing a consecrated host, the Blessed Sacrament, allowing people to sit and pray in the presence of Jesus Christ.

 Adoration specifically refers to any prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament whether in front of a closed Tabernacle or in front of the exposed host in a monstrance. Exposition refers specifically to prayer in front of the exposed host in a monstrance. You may hear these terms used interchangeably

To sign up for a time slot please use the
Wednesday or Friday sign up genius: 

Wednesday Sign Up:

Friday Sign Up:


Note:  The sign up is to ensure someone is in the church consistently during Adoration. If someone is already listed, you may still join us at anytime to spend some peaceful, prayerful time with our Lord. If you cannot sign up via the internet, contact
Dawn Peterson at (908) 896-2356.

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