Please note that the parish phones are all out of order since this past weekend. We are in the process of trying to get this resolved and really do not know when they will be back up.
We apologize for any inconvenience - the best way to get in touch with us is
by emailing the office at
Pick up a rice bowl at church and participate in this wonderful Lenten tradition!
CRS Rice Bowl is the Lenten program of Catholic Relief Services, that
invites Catholics and faith communities in the United States to encounter God and our global family throughout Lent by practicing the pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
Week 3 - A Story of Hope from Guatemala
Nutritious Meals Help Children Grow Healthy In Guatemala
In Santa María Chiquimula, Guatemala, over half the community is affected by malnutrition. Amid rising food prices and job loss, Ana Belén and her husband were struggling to provide for their growing family. But they saw a ray of hope through their participation in a Catholic Relief Services’ program that helps them ensure their children are healthy and have the nutrition they need to thrive and play.

Click to read this week’s Story of Hope.
Click Here - to see a video on the history of Rice Bowl which started in Allentown Pa!!
Ticket information in panel below!
Acceptable items: clothing, shoes sneakers, purses, backpacks, briefcases, belts, hats, gloves, socks, scarves, ties, blankets, pillows, sheets, comforters, towels, tablecloths, drapery & curtains.
Drop off your old palms to the basket in the Narthex prior to Palm Sunday.
Thank you!
Thursday April 3rd 7PM
Click below to be directed to Examination of Conscience choices and guides to reconciliation
and penance service
Saturday April 12 9AM-1PM
Sunday April 13 8AM - 1PM
Holy Family Field Gather at 9:50;
Egg Hunt at 10AM Sharp.
Bring a basket!
Rain date: 4/13 after 9AM Mass.
Ticket information in panel below!
Acceptable items: clothing, shoes sneakers, purses, backpacks, briefcases, belts, hats, gloves, socks, scarves, ties, blankets, pillows, sheets, comforters, towels, tablecloths, drapery & curtains.
Holy Family School
Annual Tricky Tray
March 28-30 ~ Parish Center
For more information about prizes, early bird specials and discounted food purchases,
visit the school website: - CLICK HERE
ATM Available ~ Question?? - Email:
Join us in Praying the glorious mysteries before morning mass Mon-Thurs 8:00am . If mass is at 9AM then Rosary will begin at 8:30am
2nd Wednesday of the Month Next Meeting Wednesday April 9th
The Journey Continues After Confirmation!
Every 2nd Sunday after the 11:00 am mass. Next Meeting: April 13th
1st Tuesday in Parish Center 6:30PM September -June.
Next Meeting: April 1st
New members always welcome! Paradise Choir, Holy Family Parish Choir and Folk Group,
The Prayer Group meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM in the Church. All are invited to join us for a special time of prayer and fellowship. We hope to see you there!prayer requests, please email
Join us in Praying the glorious mysteries before morning mass Mon-Thurs 8:00am . If mass is at 9AM then Rosary will begin at 8:30am
2nd Wednesday of the Month Next Meeting Wednesday April 9th
Safe Haven Sunday~ "Equipping the Family, Safeguarding Children"
Under the direction of the Allentown Diocese, Holy Family is setting aside the weekend of March 22 & 23, as Safe Haven Sunday in order to give focused time and resources to address the harmfulness of pornography and other online threats to marriages, family life and culture.
Safe Haven Sunday is celebrated through prayer and a reflection within the context of the Mass. We invite you to join in this awareness effort to bring our attention as a community to the seriousness of the issue of pornography and to commit to take steps to ensure our homes are safe havens for all. Please click on the following digital resources.
To learn more or with questions, contact Rev. Allen J. Hoffa, Chair, Lumen Christi Commission at:
Support Sr. Rosie & the MSC Sisters!
The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl Ministry will be on Friday May 23rd at 1:00 in the church basement, New members are always welcome!
To request a prayer shawl please call Eileen (610) 730-3779 or Mary Ann (610) 837-6777. There are always a few at the Parish Office too.
Easter Flower Envelopes that are turned in by 3/23 will have the names listed on the envelopes printed in the bulletin. Please print legibly. If you give online email your names to prior to 3/24.
Easter Mass Remembrance Envelopes
These envelopes will be placed on the altar and are part of the 9-day novena that begins on Easter Sunday.
Please note that to allow the PREP Students to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation before Easter, there will not be Wednesday evening Adoration on March 26th or April 2nd. Also, on April 9th there will not be Adoration due to our Lenten Mission.
March 25, 1900-March 25, 2025
Support Sr. Rosie & the MSC Sisters!
The MSC Mission Office currently has 3 new projects they are working on; one in Vietnam, one in Senegal and one closer to home in the Dominican Republic. To see what they are currently working on and if you are able to assist with these projects Click on the button below. Paper copies are also available in the narthex.
We look forward to working together as an MSC Family to assist those in need.
Please remove all items from the cemetery that you wish to keep by Sunday March 9th. Allow one week for cleanup. Follow cemetery guidelines before placing any items back on the graves beginning Sat March 15th. click below to see guidelines
The Parish Pastoral Council is now accepting nominations for new members. Nominations accepted until March 16th
Track & Field Registration for K-8 Grade~ click the button below for registration
Click Here to be redirected to the School Website!
To have your 2024 Contribution Statement emailed to you please complete this contact form and click on the
Send Message button when you have completed all fields.
Note that these statements will be sent out by
the end of January.
Thank you for contacting us. We will be sending out these statements by the end of January..
23 Forest Drive,
Nazareth, PA 18064
PH: 610-759-0870
Fax: 610-746-2026
Getting the bulletin is easier than ever.
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